Dr. Mark E. Pruzansky
Dr. Jason S. Pruzansky
975 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028

Finger Fracture Treatments

Finger fractures, though often considered minor compared to larger bone injuries, can significantly impact daily life. Proper treatment is crucial for optimal healing and to prevent long-term complications. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and a range of treatment options for finger fractures. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge needed to effectively determine if you need to seek care from a hand surgeon for your injury.

Finger Fractures Explained

Finger fractures are breaks in the bones of the finger. These bones, known as phalanges, are crucial for hand function, allowing us to grasp, hold, and manipulate objects. Finger fractures can vary in severity, from hairline cracks to more complex fractures involving multiple bone segments and joints. Understanding the finger’s anatomy is essential for grasping the implications of these fractures.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Finger Fractures

Recognizing the symptoms of a finger fracture is the first step toward proper treatment. Common signs include pain, swelling, bruising, deformity, and limited mobility in the affected finger. However, these symptoms can overlap with other hand injuries, making an accurate diagnosis pivotal. Hand surgeons often employ physical examinations and medical imaging, such as X-rays, CT, and MRI scans, to confirm the fracture and assess its extent. Timely diagnosis is critical for effective treatment.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options for a Finger Fracture

Many finger fractures can indeed heal successfully without the need for surgical intervention, especially when the bones maintain their proper alignment. This non-surgical approach to treatment not only promotes effective healing but also often brings relief to individuals, allowing them to recover the functionality of their fingers with less invasive methods.

  • Immobilization: One of the primary goals of treatment is to immobilize the injured finger to promote proper healing. This is often achieved through the use of splints or buddy taping, which involves taping the injured finger to an adjacent, stable finger for support. The duration of immobilization depends on the fracture’s type and severity.
  • Closed Reduction: After local anesthetic the fracture fragments are realigned and immobilized.
  • Pain Management: Fractures can be painful. Hand surgeons may recommend over-the-counter pain medications or prescribe stronger pain relief options to manage discomfort during the healing process.
  • Home Care and Rest: Resting the injured finger and following home care instructions are fundamental aspects of non-surgical treatment. Avoiding activities that could strain the finger is crucial for successful healing.

Surgical Treatment Options for Finger Fractures

While many finger fractures can heal without surgery, surgical intervention may be necessary in specific cases:

Indications for Surgery

Surgical treatment is typically considered when the finger fracture is severely displaced, unstable, or involves multiple bone segments. It may also be recommended when non-surgical treatments have not yielded the desired results.

Surgical Procedures

Hand surgeons are equipped with a range of techniques to treat finger fractures, demonstrating their expertise in navigating the complexities of these injuries. These techniques encompass a variety of approaches, each carefully selected to address the unique nature of the fracture, allowing patients to experience comprehensive and tailored care specific to their condition. The two most common procedures for finger fractures are:

  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): ORIF involves making an incision to access the fractured bone. The surgeon then realigns the bone fragments and uses screws, pins, or plates to stabilize them. This procedure is often employed for more complex fractures.
  • Percutaneous Fixation: After closed reduction with anesthetic, thin pins are placed in the broken bones using x-ray verification.

Recovery and Rehabilitation From a Finger Fracture

Regardless of whether the fracture is treated surgically or non-surgically, the recovery process shares common principles that guide individuals on the path to healing, ensuring that they maximize the physical strength and comfort, as well as the confidence and functionality of their affected finger. This is achieved through two primary means:

  • Post-Treatment Care: Adhering to the prescribed treatment plan from your hand surgeon is crucial to a successful recovery from a finger fracture. This includes wearing splints, casts, or using buddy taping, taking medications as directed, and following instructions for home care and rest.
  • Occupational Therapy: Rehabilitation is pivotal for regaining finger strength and mobility. An occupational therapist can create a personalized treatment plan, including exercises and functional activities aimed at restoring finger functionality.

Potential Problems From Finger Fractures and Long-Term Outlook

While finger fractures are typically treatable, it’s important to recognize that, like any injury, complications can arise, which might prolong the recovery process and impact the long-term functionality of the affected finger. Accurate diagnosis and treatment reduce future problems

Here are some problems that may follow finger fractures:

  • Malunion: This occurs when the fracture heals improperly, resulting in misalignment of the bone fragments.
  • Nonunion: In rare cases, the fracture may not heal adequately, leading to ongoing pain and dysfunction.
  • Stiffness and Weakness: Some patients may experience persistent finger stiffness or weakness even after treatment.

Regular follow-up appointments with your hand surgeon and adherence to treatment and rehabilitation plans can help identify and address these problems early to optimize function.

Prevention and Risk Reduction of Finger Fractures

Preventing finger fractures is not only achievable but also imperative, particularly in high-risk activities where the hands and fingers are often exposed to potential injuries and strains. Here are four tips you can use to reduce the risk of a finger fracture during your daily activities: 

  • Protective Measures: Wearing appropriate hand protection, such as gloves, when engaging in activities with a higher risk of finger injuries, such as sports or manual labor, can significantly reduce the risk of fractures.
  • Technique Matters: Learning and practicing proper techniques and ergonomics in activities involving the fingers, such as gripping and lifting, can help prevent injuries.
  • Safe Environment: Maintaining a safe environment in daily life, such as keeping walkways clear and avoiding slippery surfaces, can minimize the risk of accidents leading to finger fractures.
  • Rest and Strengthening: Allowing for adequate rest during repetitive tasks and engaging in exercises that strengthen hand and finger muscles can reduce the risk of injury.

Do You Think You Have a Finger Fracture?

Finger fractures, although sometimes considered minor, require timely and appropriate treatment for optimal healing and to prevent long-term complications. If you fear you have fractured your finger, please call HandSport Surgery Institute at 212-249-8700 to schedule an immediate visit with Dr. Mark E. Pruzansky or Dr. Jason S. Pruzansky. Early diagnosis and treatment of finger fractures is crucial to a successful outcome.