Carpal Tunnel Relief
The tingling, numbness, weakness, and sharp pain shooting from your hand up your wrist and arm from carpal tunnel syndrome can be debilitating and affect not only normal everyday activities, but can also impact your performance at work.
Why Untreated Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Is Dangerous
Maybe you think you can live with carpal tunnel syndrome, but ignoring it won’t make it go away.
What starts off as mild pain and discomfort can progress to more serious symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome such as:
- Loss of Grip Strength: Losing grip strength makes it harder to hold objects and form a fist.
- Muscle Deterioration: Untreated cases can lead to muscle deterioration at the base of the thumb.
- Loss of Feeling: It’s possible to lose or have lessened ability to feel hot and cold, sharp and dull, and light touch
- Permanent Nerve Damage: Getting diagnosed early and beginning treatment as soon as possible can reduce the chances of permanent nerve damage.
3 Ways to Get Carpal Tunnel Relief
In many cases carpal tunnel syndrome is a genetic condition so you may not be able to avoid it or change the outcome. However there are several things that you can to do that may lessen the symptoms:
- Stretch: Stretching exercises
- Rest: Regular rest breaks
- Splint: Wearing a splint to keep your wrist straight while asleep
More Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment Options
Carpal tunnel surgery is the last resort, only if nothing else works to alleviate your carpal tunnel symptoms.
We take the following steps in evaluating your carpal tunnel syndrome:
Step 1 – Evaluation
- A thorough review of medical history and physical exam
- Identify underlying conditions (diabetes, autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism).
- Evaluate activities that may aggravate symptoms
- Immobilizing your wrist in a splint at night may improve symptoms and validate the diagnosis.
- Reduce swelling and inflammation with medication may validate the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome
- A nerve conduction test may be considered, as well as an ultrasound or MRI
Step 2 – Non-Surgical Treatments
- Pain management with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or GABA analogues.
- Occupational Therapy to increase strength, flexibility and to provide ergonomic training to reduce irritation.
- Treat underlying conditions associated with carpal tunnel syndrome
Step 3 – Surgery
- Performed if symptoms last for an extended period of time, the symptoms are unbearable or the nerve conduction study demonstrates nerve damage.
- Endoscopic Surgery is performed under regional anesthesia, using a camera and one or two very small incisions to minimize pain and scarring. This surgery usually has a quicker recovery time using Minimally Invasive techniques.
- Open Release Surgery is an option to enlarge the carpal tunnel by cutting the carpal ligament which is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia.
Carpal Tunnel Relief Articles
Learn more about carpal tunnel relief with these educational articles from New York City hand and wrist surgeon Dr. Pruzansky:
- Carpal Tunnel Surgeons
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Carpal Tunnel Symptoms
- Carpal Tunnel Causes
- Carpal Tunnel Surgery
- Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recovery Time
Call Us
HandSport Surgery Institute is experienced in successfully diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome.
If you are experiencing hand and wrist pain, schedule an appointment with New York City’s premier hand and wrist surgeons Dr. Mark E. Pruzansky, MD and Dr. Jason Pruzansky by calling 212-249-8700 or, click here to request an appointment.