Dr. Mark E. Pruzansky
Dr. Jason S. Pruzansky
975 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028


Arthrodesis or joint fusion surgery, is a procedure in which bones are fused together to relieve the intractable pain and deformity caused by degenerative arthritis or fractures that cannot be treated with joint debridement, ligament reconstruction or joint replacement.

Arthrodesis of the DIP joint

Fusion of the distal interphalangeal joint – the knuckle near the finger nail – is indicated when a chronically painful joint deterioration has occurred, usually due to injury or Osteoarthritis.

Arthrodesis is the preferred method to treat painful and unstable deformed distal interphalangeal joints in active patients. The finger joint is opened and the two abutting phalangeal bones have their arthritic surfaces trimmed. They are then fused together using small wires or screws. Recovery includes splinting until the bones heal.

Arthrodesis of the PIP Joint

Arthrodesis of the proximal interphalangeal joint – the middle knuckle – is indicated when a chronically painful joint deterioration has occurred, usually due to injury or Osteoarthritis.

The finger is opened, the two abutting phalangeal bones have their arthritic surfaces trimmed and they are fused together using wires or screws. Recovery includes splinting until the bones heal.

Joint Fusion Surgery

Joint fusion surgery may be necessary when arthritis causes severe damage to finger joints. This procedure fuses together the bones whose movement causes the joint to ache. The procedure can reduce pain and deformity, stabilize the joint, and strengthen the finger, allowing the patient to resume daily activities and sports.

Arthrodesis Recovery

Recovery includes splinting until the bone heals. Patients will need to be capable of dealing with a recovery period requiring less use.

Call hand surgeon, Dr. Pruzansky, 202-249-8700 to schedule an appointment to keep your hand and fingers healthy.